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Camp xSEL

Excellence in Science Education for Liberia.

We are a five-week intensive math and science camp designed for secondary students interested in pursuing careers in the health sciences. Our mission is to provide students with the tools to approach science learning in the 21st century and equip them with the skills and attributes to help them excel in their chosen fields.

Our camp experience is centered around four pillars: inquiry-based learning, data-driven critical thinking, relational and holistic concept understanding, and soft-skill building. By creating an immersive learning experience founded on these four pillars, Camp xSEL provides a learning experience emphasizing the intersectionality of health sciences in a fun, engaging, and intriguing way for campers.

At Camp xSEL, we believe in creating a student-centered, welcoming learning environment that empowers secondary school students to feel more confident in their learning. Our vision is to inspire and prepare students to pursue careers in the health sector, engage critically with the topics they learn, and foster lifelong learning.

The 2022 Camp xSEL was the second iteration of the Camp, and we made a major shift by transitioning from hosting pre-medical and pre-clinical students already admitted to the University of Liberia or medical school to hosting 11th and 12th-grade students from across Liberia.

Join us at Camp xSEL and embark on a transformative journey of learning and growth!

Our Four Pillars

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Inquiry-based Learning

Students will be encouraged to approach the content they are taught critically. Through reading and writing exercises, journal clubs, and a student-centered classroom model, students will engage with the material critically. No dry memorization and regurgitation of information.

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Data-driven Critical Thinking

From understanding fundamental concepts in math and statistics to reading primary literature papers, students will be engaging with data and understand what that data represents and the stories it tells. Lab courses will push students to acquire data themselves and see how data is created, and analyzed on an empirical basis.

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Relational and Holistic Concept Understanding

Drawing connections between different concepts and fields lies at the core of Camp xSEL. Students will be called to relate concepts and information from different courses in the Drawing Connections weekly sessions! Science is interdisciplinary and interconnected. And so is learning at Camp xSEL!

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Soft-skill Building

Working as a health professional is much more than a science profession. It is a human-centered service. At Camp xSEL we recognize the centrality of soft skills, such as communication, empathy, and cooperation in the health professions. Hence, we place soft skills at the heart of the Camp experience.

Sponsor a Student for Camp xSEL 2025 Science Camp